My Projects

Good systems use less to make more.

All Projects Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep LearningFull Stack DevelopmentOther Development
Internet-Augmented Generation Cosmo 1b

A small language that is finetuned spefically for Internet-Augmented Generation (IAG) to reduce hallucinations and provide better answers.

Pytorch | Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep Learning
Text-Guided Efficient Image Generation and Amplification for Generative Adversarial Networks (TEA-GAN)

Two GAN models (a generator and an upscaler) that work together to generate images based on text.

Pytorch | Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep Learning
AID-TA (Artificial Intelligence Detector Tool for Approximation)

A collection of models that can estimate if an image was created by a human or an AI model.

Pytorch | Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep Learning
Flower Construction

An evolutionary art piece that uses a DCGAN to generate unique flowers, winning second place at the UL Next Gen art show.

Pytorch | Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep Learning

An experimental model finetuned from a 7 billion parameter version of Llama 2 on responses gathered from Claude 2.

HuggingFace Transformers | Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep Learning

A company dedicated to researching and developing safe, fast, and accessible AI.

NextJS | Full Stack Development | Visit Site

A website for a local publishing company.

Astro | Full Stack Development | Visit Site

A Material You styled website that allows users to clip recipes from the web, save them to their account, and provides a web ui for viewing them.

NextJS | Full Stack Development | Visit Site
Recipe Finder

A Material Design styled website that allows users to find recipes using suggestions, specific queries, and randomness.

NextJS | Full Stack Development | Visit Site

A temporary email service that allows users to create temporary emails that can be used for 10 minutes.

NextJS | Full Stack Development | Visit Site
Belle or toast

A web game that allows users to vote on whether a picture is of a piece of toast or Belle (one of my dogs).

React | Full Stack Development | Visit Site
Erf or Bear

A web game that allows users to vote on whether a picture is of a bear or Erf (one of my dogs).

Qwik | Full Stack Development | Visit Site
Nihon Dashboard

A website dashboard for a popular Roblox scripting utility that allows users to share, find, and execute scripts for specific games.

NextJS | Full Stack Development
Senate Checker

A website that allows users to view an auto-updating list of all curent senators and information about them.

NextJS | Full Stack Development | Visit Site
Luxembourg Website

A website that I made about the country of Luxembourg for a school project.

HTML | Full Stack Development | Visit Site

An easy to use, customizable, and open source rainmeter plugin for applying Material You colors to widgets.

C# | Other Development | Visit Site
And more to come...